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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 1, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 1, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - July 1, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) Although densely-populated areas have been far more explored during the coronavirus pandemic, it is also having a devastating effect on small towns.

We visit a community in Pennsylvania trying to cope with the outbreak.

And you don't need to get on a plane to join a safari.

You can now do it from the safety of your own home.

And modern advances in forensics have enabled longtime cold cases to be reopened using new DNA evidence.

See you tomorrow.

During this coronavirus pandemic, much of the nation's attention has been focused on densely-populated cities.

But it has also had a devastating effect on small towns.

Tony dokoupil visits one small pennsylvania community where people tend to know each other and the losses can be more personal.

Along "main stree u-s-a" ... stores ar cautiously reopening ... and some people are venturing out.

But life is just not the same.

Tony dokoupil: on a normal day in june, able to sit here at lunchtime?

Nicole defour: absolutely not-- tony dokoupil: and just chat?

Nicole defour: no.

Nicole defour opened "quenc cafe" in 2009 ..

After the new york investment firm she worked for, lehman brothers, collapsed in the mortgage meltdown.

She moved in with family here in stroudsburg, pennsylvania -- population 55- hundred.

And while the setting may be different, the feeling of financial loss is familiar ... with revenue down 90- percent.

Tony dokoupil: so h-- how do you pay rent?

Nicole defour: just-- by not paying myself.

Tony dokoupil: really?

You-- you-- nicole defour: yeah.

Tony dokoupil: --pay for the building rather than pay your own salary-- nicole defour: yeah.

Yeah // just down the block ... andrea snyder lost thousands of dollars and laid off her staff at jade hair salon.

Tony doukoupil: twenty-five years you've been in business.

Andrea snyder: yes.

Tony doukoupil: have you ever closed prior to this?

Andrea snyder: no.

No-- tony doukoupil: not when you had cancer?

Andrea snyder: nope.

Two times.

Tony doukoupil: not when you had cancer the second time?

Andrea snyder: nope.



When we stopped by ... she was preparing for business to start up again.

But her biggest loss from this pandemic is the kind she'll never recover.

We, um, we did everything we could.

My mother was // surrounded by the most wonderful nurses and aides.

And they brought her to the window when we went there to see her and try-- you know, it's the hardest thing.

It's the distance.

It's-- it's not being able to be with your loved ones.

Not being able to hug and kiss and tell them that you love them.

After all she's been through ... snyder says she's amazed by the support she's getting here.

Andrea snyder: 12:02:03 // if we can just hold it together.

You know, we just have to hold it together.

James fallows spent years visiting places others drive past or fly over, and -- along with his wife -- wrote a book on the topic.

He says no other city has been impacted more by the virus than america's largest -- new york.

At least until now.

James fallows: a town that has already been around for 100 years or more has already been through a lot.

// so people there know how to reinvent themselves.

Their challenge will be to reinvent themselves yet again.

Yet re-invention could be tough for people like record store owner tom lefevre.

Tony dokoupil: so how long has it been since someone walked in the door like i just did?

Record store owner tom lefevre.

Tony dokoupil: so how long has it been since someone walked in the door like i just did?

Tom lefevre: a couple months.

// tony dokoupil: have you ever had anything like that before, like any kind of stretch where you just couldn't do business?

Tom lefevre: well, i-- i have, actually.

Twelve, 13 years ago, i had-- i was across the street.

That was where my business was.

And there was a fire.

And i lost my whole business.

Tony dokoupil: wow.

Tom lefevre: so-- but i was down for probably a couple months until i got insurance money.

And then i landed in here.

// tony dokoupil: but insurance covers the fire.

Does it cover this?

Tom lefevre: does not cover this.

Tony dokoupil: how did you feel when you found that out?

Tom lefevre: it was a big-- big shock to be honest with you.

I was kind of angry, too.

The anger and sorrow along this main street isn't much different than anywhere else.

But if you're gonna go thru a bad time, nicole defour says, this is a good place to do it.

"people are jus asking, how am i doing?

Because they want to make sure we stay around and we stay relevant and we get through this.

I can feel that.

I can feel they really care when they ask me how we're doing.

How do you put a price on that?

Tony dokoupil, cbs news, new york.

With stay at home restrictions easing in many places, some families are looking for safe ways to travel during the pandemic.

Nichelle medina has more on how to reduce your chances of getting sick on summer vacation.

Nats it's gonna be great" this summer, lana thompson and her family will hit the road in their trailer.

"because of covid we have decided not to fly like we usually do.

We've decided to make it a full family adventure."

That adventure will take the family of 6 from north carolina to texas to visit family.

With all the comforts of home on board&.while there is risk with any travel this summer because of the coronavirus, there are some things you can do to help reduce that risk.

Nats doctor jill weatherhead is an infectious disease doctor at baylor college of medicine.

She says first, consider the current covid cases and amount of travelers visiting your destination.

Are you going to be able to maintain some of the practices that we've put into place during the course of this pandemic and that means maintaing social distancing and wearing face coverings to help prevent transmission next, weigh your transportation options.

Planes, trains and buses may put you in close contact with large numbers of people.

Wear a face covering try and keep space between seats on the plane and wiping down any commonly touch surfaces, chairs, handrails, and the table tops and a car trip can mean less contact with others, but be cautious when stopping.

Bringing food and water with you or doing takeout drive thru in order to reduce any sort of interaction with other individuals.

And of course, during all of this, washing your hands, either with soap or water or with an alcohol based hand gel with an alcohol based hand gel for many people dream trips make take a little longer.

South africa is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations, with nearly 17- million foreign visitors in 2019.

Many of the tourists who travel to africa go on safari.

But as debora patta shows us, there is a ánewá way to see the animals áup close.á "they are righ here"&.

You don't need to get on a plane to see this ..

'... there she is, there she is, she's got a cub, no ways!

Guys this is incredible" it can all be viewed from the comfort of your own home.

Raw, unedited, wild - and streamed twice a day from the heart of the south african bush.

: '5,4,3,2,1&live' the garcia family from miami were supposed to visit a south african wildlife park in april ... ... instead they've had a front row seat .... complete with safari gear - watching everything from baby cheetahs suckling their mother &to a joyful herd of elephants cooling down at a water hole.

& welcome on board everyone my name is lauren and i have bk on camera viewers bump along dusty roads with game rangers like lauren arthur, as she tracks down incredible animal sightings filmed from a mounted camera on the back of the safari truck.

'i think people have been able to tap into that during lockdown and realize how important nature actually is.'

While the world has come to a standstill - nature has not.

The circle of life has sure been busy.

From the birth of these hyena cubs & to baby leopards learning to walk the walk &.

Or lion cubs roughing it with their mum.

: 'we've got to remember that in this moment of confusion and not knowing what's happening in the world, that nature has been through this before.

And we will get through this.

Graham wallington is the co-founder of wildearth which has been streaming 'virtual safaris' for fourteen years.

But since the world started shutting down - their global audience has been five times higher with over two million views a month - a third of which are americans.

During the game drive - rangers field questions sent in live from the viewers at home 'jensen you are 8 years old from illinois, hi there jensen and you are asking do male giraffes every hang around together?"

Turns out they do& if they aren't competing for the attention of a female.

But generally they're fairly aloof - social distancing it seems comes naturally to them.

Prior to the global pandemic - wildearth was streaming it's safaris to cancer wards in several us childrens hospitals, like this one in washington dc like tourism around the world - south africa's nearly 30 billion dollar travel industry is reeling.

Private game lodge owner jaap van niekerk hosts virtual safaris.

He's concerned that conservation which is funded by tourism - will suffer 'we need tourists to bring the money so we can pay our anti-poaching units and we can pay the staff and we can get the money into the economy that lives off nature in order for them to protect the nature'.

But wallington believes that virtual tourism could re-define travel in a post covid- 19 world.

: '&if everybody who wanted to come to africa on safari came- there'd be too many people and we'd actually damage the thing that we all enjoy so much.

So i think that in the future, virtual tourism is a way for everybody to enjoy without destroying it' patta outcue: with so much uncertainty surrounding global travel experts believe that virtual safaris are not only filling a void but are here to stay.

Debora patta, sabie sands, south africa.

Just rember, if it seems too good to be true.

It probably is.

That story is just there are cases - long cold, that police investigators are now looking at with assistance from dna and sometimes the criminal's family.

Some websites help people track their ancestors and family tree, all with the help of dna.

And, that dna is helping solve crimes.

It happened in starkville.

Investigators used both dna and genealogy to arrest the suspect in a decades old homicide.

Now, the ex-cop turned "golde state killer" wil spend the rest of his life in prison with no chance of parole...after pleading guilty to 13 murders and dozens of rapes.

Joseph deangelo junior terrorized california in the 70's and 80's, evading capture for decades until his arrest in 2018.

"48 hours correspondent tracy smith has been following the case.

When he was wheeled into the hearing yesterday, joseph deangelo hardly resembled the agile young man who sneaked into homes to commit murder and dozens of rapes.

He repeated the same plea... guilty ...over and over again.

Prosecutors detailed his horrific crimes.

After raping her the defendant fired his handgun into the back of debora's head& the defendant covered jane doe's face with towels, he unbound her legs and he raped her.

Deangelo's guilty plea will spare him the death penalty.

In exchange, he admitted to 13 murders and some 50 rapes -- spanning six california counties over two decades.

We spoke to deangelo's fifth victim, jane carson-sandler, back in 2017 for 48 hours.

Her three- year-old son was áin the homeá when she was raped.

So when the rape took place i wasn't paying any attention to it.

Because all i was thinking about was where is my son.

Deangelo roamed free for á40 yearsá until 2018 -- when investigators used dna evidence to track him through a popular genealogy website.

Every one of those victims deserve justice.

Sacramento county district attorney anne marie schubert.

These women and their significant others standing with them to take back that power was really, really overwhelming to see.

Among those to stand: kris pedretti -- one of deangelo's youngest rape victims at just 15 years old.

He's having to live with the fact that we're hearing every single thing that he said and what he did to us // and we are not taking it anymore.

Tracy smith, cbs news.

Michael devaughn, the man charged with capital murder and sexual battery in the death of betty jones in 1990 still must go to trial.

This case was solved when starkville investigators were able to match devaughn's dna to dna evidence found at the starkville scene years ago.

The coronavirus may have shut down parts of the economy but it hasn't stopped con artists.

Suzanne le mignot talked to a mother who was scammed by someone she thought was her friend.

Gretchen furlan says she received this facebook message from a person she thought was an old childhood friend.

He told her about a grant through the lion club international foundation.

He told her all she had to do was pay a $1,000 clearance fee, to receive a $100,000 grant...that she wouldn't have to pay back...and it wasn't a scam.

"he's like, sto worrying, i'm not here to hurt you or your family."

The man soon connected furlan with a woman who approved her $100,000 grant.

At 2-11 "how did she tel you, she wanted you to pay the $1,000 fee?

What did you have to do?

'she told me to buy two gift cards at walmart.

Prepaid gift cards."

The mother of two used her stimulus money to put $500 on each walmart gift card and sent the woman photos of the them.

"i told them, tha was almost my rent money and they still said, 'we're still not gonna hurt you."

But it was all a con... furlan believes someone hacked her old friend's facebook account.

There have been similar scams using the name lion club international.

The legitmate organization, "lions club international" ha put out warnings about them.

So far this year the federal trade commission has received more than 9-hundred reports of grant scams like this one... with victims losing more than 3 million dollars.

And gift cards are the most common form of payment.

"gift cards are fo gifts not payments, anyone telling you to pay with one is a scammer."

Walmart gives tips on how to spot this type of scam on it's website.

"now my kids ar suffering without this money."

Furlan filed a police report and is sharing her story hoping others won't fall victim to this scam.

Suzanne le mignot, cbs news, chicago.

Experts say anyone asking for a gift card payment is a major red flag.

And if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Just ahead, a young patient sees through the layers to capture the

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