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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 2, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 2, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - July 2, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) Many who worked from home during the pandemic lockdown may have been delighted to spend more time with their families at first, but the new working situation has been an unexpected strain for many people, leading to depression and burnout.

We'll explore.

And WCBI Sports Reporter Chris Bolton takes a look at ways area coaches have been trying to open up a dialogue on race and diversity with their players.

And we meet an all-black group of equestrians out of California who call themselves the Compton Cowboys!

Said,th the coronavirus pandemic has taught americans how to work from home - and many say they're happy to keep doing it forever.

But others find they're burning out from the stress and long hours.

And nancy chen reports, the results can be severe.

As the mother of two young children, jeanne stafford thought working from home would be a nice change.

1:30 i was thinking i'd be getting some extra time with them, i wou ld set up upstairs, it would be great but after two weeks of working remotely for a massachusetts publishing house while juggling her family's needs, she started to feel the strain.

12:40 a few days i would be fine and working fine and everything would be fine.

And then on say a friday i would feel like i couldn't even deal.

Couldn't get up that day, couldn't get dressed, couldn't put a smile on.

Stafford says she was burnt out - a condition doctors are seeing more than ever among people working from home.

3:00 they feel a sense of hopelessness and they feel a sense of pessimism.

It's almost like this idea, like, it doesn't matter.

Whatever i do, no one's going to appreciate it.

Without a commute to separate home life from the office, it can feel like the work day never ends.

Many employees are working harder..

With longer hours..

To prove their productivity 0643 so i think it's really important to check ourselves to say, i'm writing that extra memo, i'm going the extra mile.

Did somebody actually ask me to do that?

Or is that something i've invented in my own head that i need to do that in a recent survey, more than 50-percent said they're experiencing burnout while working from home.

And health experts are concerned the condition can lead to depression 1036 when that starts to bleed over into other aspects of your life, where you stop experiencing pleasure or joy, i want you to start thinking about depression 1044 to prevent that, stafford is trying to put less pressure on herself as both a worker and a mom.... and to take life's challenges one day at a time nc, cbs news, new york dr. varma recommends setting boundaries - like defined work hours.

Also, clarifying your boss's expectations, and turning off devices for a break.

If you plan to travel this summer, you can expect ámajorá changes at hotels, including, plexiglass barriers áandá no more buffets.

As states lift restrictions, hotel occupancy rates are inching up.

Kris van cleave has the story.

This is the new normal in hotels nationwide& marlon castrillo spends an extra 10 minutes in each room at the marriott in bethesda maryland.

Cleaning starts by disinfecting the room using this elexctrostatic fogger and its hospital grade disinfectant mist.

This is a bit time consuming but we want to make sure that every guest walks through the door feels comfortable.

Once the room is made up and cleaned, key touch points-light switches, the thermastate, the remote control&are again wiped down.

With only about 11% occupancy, rooms sit empty for at least 48 hours.

"we've looked a every aspect of the operation of a hotel."

Marriott ceo arne sorenson.

Kvc: what's the new normal?

The public space is going to be less busy//our associates wearing masks//guests that are more likely to want to be in their room.

Throw pillows and magazines are gone from the rooms to reduce touch points.

In public spaces you'll notice signs reminding people to distance, and plexiglass barriers at the check in counter and at the hotel bar.

This marriott is testing a u-v sanitzer for room keys and encouraging the use of an app based digital key.

Seating in the resturant is limited&same goes for the pool.

And...gone, for now is the buffet, replaced by individually packaged grab and go.

"hotel gyms ar gonna change too.

The exercise bikes are separated by plexiglass and if you want to get on an elliptical or a treadmill watch the signs because you can use every other machine."

We know that guests believe quite reasonably that they can control their interactions with people at a hotel//and once you've gotten into your guest room you're in your own space.

And so the challenge for us is one we think we can meet, which is can we deliver a room that the guests can have confidence is clean.

This month hilton is teaming with the mayo clinic and lysol to roll out its "clean stay which like marriott is focused on wiping down touch points.

They'll mark cleaned rooms with these stickers sealing the door.

Sandles & beaches resorts are also using the foggers, focusing on cleaning 18 common touch points throughout the hotel and using uv-led lights to inspect guestrooms for cleanliness.

64% of travelers in a recent survey said improved cleaning practices will significantly impact their decision to stay at a hotel& kvc: whether you are an airline or a hotel you are now building your brand on how well you clean it's what people care about now.

Cleanliness, sanitation, hygene.// these are rebuilding blocks for the hotels as they rebuild confidence among consumers to stay with them.

People like yoseph assefa who came to bethesda from la to visit his mother.

Did you have any worry about staying in a hotel?

No, no i didn't.

I also assumed that people are coming to hotels because they're not traveling as much.

He's right, marriott says bookings are down about 75% but are improving.

Still the hotel giant expects recovery will take two to three years.

A lot depends on when people feel safe traveling.

Kris van cleave, cbs news, washington some states are now allowing public pools to reopen but during the pandemic many people weren't willing to wait.

As laura podesta reports a rush for backyard pools has led to backlog of business.

Pkg the donohoe family in new york got a new pool finished just in time for the hot weather.

"the pool, it's like it's really as i said it's totally saving us this summer."

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, people across the country started ordering backyard pools.

Christopher lombardo from all star swimming pools says the demand continues.

"we get about, would say 30 to 40 calls everyday."

In massachusetts easton pool and spa has seen business explode.

"a lot of peopl are hurting but we are really in a sweet spot right now."

With vacation plans on pause and summer camps closed parents are looking for ways to entertain the family.

"it's a really goo distraction during quarantine because i have been really bored."

"can you put it i the the pool" people who can't install a pool in the yard have been turning to kiddie versions.

"we're outside ou apartment, playing with water, i have a two year old at home, just trying to survive."

Many stores have had trouble keeping them in stock and amazon says online sales doubled in april compared to last year.

"cannonball the amezcua family was able to get one.

"right now my kid are very small still so it's nice that we can just put up a little kiddie pool."

The tiny pool can offer relief from the heat..

And the boredom of being stuck at home.

Laura podesta, cbs news, darien, connecticut.

Building relationships is all part of as high schools across our area are back in the locker room and on the practice field, coaches and players are facing the same challenges as the rest of the nation.

Our chris bolton recently visited with two coaches about how the game of football brings everyone together.

Steven pace >> i high school athlete.

And it's important for coaches to talk with them and just the third players to build to express how they were dealing with this station around race even started to everything listing "football is sport that's all about teamwork, love, and comradery.

An atmosphere that many coaches think our every day world could learn from.

Some of the top high school coaches in the state set out to create an environment that reflects those beliefs.

Jones: "we have great locker room.

We don't just have black kids.

We have white kids, but we don't hear friction and all that stuff because we treat everybody like that's my brother.

We don't treat him like that's my 'white brother' or that's my 'black brother.'

No, that's my brother."

Starkville head coach chris jones and tupelo head coach ty hardin are both leaders of some of the biggest locker rooms in the state.

Both believe it's important to practice what you preach.

Hardin: "the whol saying actions speak louder than words.

I think that's what culture is.

It's what you do everyday and what people see.

One thing about 13 to 18 year old young men, they can see through anything.

They're the smartest people on earth.

They can see if someone is real and somebody is..."

Jones: "fake, i their words, or however you say it.

They will let you know!

To me, you always want to try to come correct with kids because if you don't come correct with kids, they will correct you."

Athletes across the country are using their voice when it comes to societal issues, including high school athletes.

Coaches know that, and are taking out the time to listen, and have conversations to better understand their athlete's thoughts.

Hardin: "the firs day we were together as a team.

June 1st date.

That was the first thing i wanted to address because it's something that you need to and have to."

Jones: "most of it i listening to be honest with you.

To kind of get their opinion on it because i don't want to jump to conclusions and tell them this is how you should feel.

I can't tell you how you should feel.

I want to know how you're feeling first and let me think about it and figure out how i can reach you and help you understand what's going on and understand your pain."

Wins and championships are always the goal when a team steps foot on the gridiron...but that's not the end all, be all.

The same messages coaches are telling their players to get the win on friday night are the same messages they believe the young men they're molding will carry with them the rest of their lives.

Jones: "you can' deny that you're black and you're white, but what you also can't deny is a person's's bigger than just your world or your culture.

To me, that helps you understand this kid who didn't grow up the way you grew up.

Who might not have a meal tomorrow, but you sympathize with that kid because you're in the locker room with that kid and know kids that go hungry because my best friend used to be that way.

Whatever the case may be versus your circle.

All of y'all are rich.

All of y'all have money.

Y'all don't understand what it means to not have.

Versus yeah i'm rich or whatever the case may be but i play with some guys who don't have.

It hurts me to see that they don't have."

"we want t sympathize and understand each other when people need to be understood sometimes.

I think that's the culture i want to create.

Hopefully, when the guys leave me, they're 19, 20, 30 years old, you can have that same effect on you wife.

Your kids.

And guess what they're going to do?

They'll have that effect on another family and another family and another family."

In order to reach the athletes they see every day, both coaches know there's one important key to send their message.

Jones: "we have t adapt because y'all are the future.

Y'all got some bright ideas.

Sometimes we're so set in our old ways and we don't get a chance to truly open up and see 'ok, you might have a point."

Hardin: "if you'r not able to adapt and get with the times going on, you'll get left.

Or you're not going to reach the people that are out here.

You're not going to connect with them because you got to adapt to them.

And you have to do what's right by them.

If not, they'll see right through it and they won't lock arms with you at the end of the day."

Once the stadium lights turn off, the bleachers are empty and the game is over, hardin holds firm to this belief about the world... hardin: "thi generation of young adults are going to be the people that change it."

In columbus, chris bolton, wcbi sports."

Chris, you have a second part of this conversation.

About representation of minority coaches in mississippi high representation of minority coaches in mississippi high school sports.

And the high school football tour starts this school sports.

And the high school football tour starts this week on wcbi news..

Cowboys aren't just the stuff of movies and old tv westerns.

Far from it.

Michelle miller tells us that - for cowboys and cow- girls of a certain storied tradition, their time is now: on a recent sunday in june, randy hook saddled up his horse to join hundreds of other marchers in compton, california.

Randy hook: 00:59:39 it's 's not a protest, it's a peace ride.

Hook is the leader of the compton cowboys& 01:00:09 we're not goin' out there to-- to cause havoc /// we goin' out there to showcase what it look like to come together and-- peacefully assemble, exercising our rights.

Keiara monique: 00:39:19 i'm the only woman a part of the compton cowboys.

Keiara monique also rode that day&alongside her mother and her 3- year-old daughter.

Keiara monique: 00:43:50 i think our impact would be showin' integrity.

Because these-- we have horses.

We're from compton.

Yet, compton is looked at in a negative way.

But we're trying to change that narrative and let people see that it's a positive way.

Walter thompson- hernandez: 00:16:12 when people think of compton, i think, you know, their image is of-- of early '90s gangster rap, you know, dr. dre, eazy-e-- nwa.

And there's also images of violence and death.

Walter thompson hernandez has written a book about the compton cowboys&a generation of young black people who learned to ride as children.

Their motto: "th streets raised us horses saved us."

Walter thompson- hernandez: it's not an exaggeration, ///each one will tell you in different ways that, if it wasn't for these horses, you know, they feel that they wouldn't be alive today.

Walter thompson- hernandez: 00:13:06 their ranch, to me, is-- is so much more than a horse ranch, you know it-- it's really sort of an oasis and a place where-- where people go to heal and to find meaning.

Many americans first learned of black cowb and cowgirls when they appeared in recent protest marches around the country.

Terri gentry: unfortunately, in the united states is that we're invisible in a lot of different places.

&this is our black cowboys walk of fame&& in fact, there is a long, proud history of black cowboys in america.

Terri gentry: when people come in, and-- and see our little house museum, and all of these wonderful pictures of actual cowboys, it blows you away.

Terri gentry is docent at the black american west museum in denver, colorado.

Terri gentry: 11:17:24 almost one in three cowboys was black.

Michelle: one in three?

Terri: yes.

Edward cheetham.

Nat love.

And bass reeves.

Terri gentry: bass reeves was a deputy marshal out of oklahoma./// he arrested over 3,000 people during his career as a deputy marshal.

From what we understand, the stories of the lone ranger were based on bass reeves' life.

After the civil war, says gentry, black cowboys played a key role in settling the west.

Michelle miller: why would the cowboy way appeal to so many of these formerly enslaved people?

Terri gentry: there's an incredible amount of freedom with managing cattle.

It's a very, very tough way to make a living.

But i-- would imagine there's a lot of gratification in being out on the open plains, underneath the stars.

Maurice wade learned to ride on his grandfather's farm&but& maurice: i used to watch-- cowboys on t.v..

And i never saw an african- american cowboy.

I thought i was the only black cowboy.

Then the bill pickett invitational rodeo started up, named for famous rodeo "bulldogger" bi pickett.

Michelle miller: and you were like, "whoa!

There are lot of us."

Maurice wade: yes.

I went, "whoa!

"what spaceshi these brothers come from?"

He still competes&and also champions young riders& 12-year-old savannah roberts who won the bill pickett ladies' barrel racing championship in denver this year.

Michelle miller: is the adrenaline rush deep?

Savannah roberts: the adrenaline is more towards the beginning of the run 'cause i-- all of the stuff that i need to do is going through my mind.

Going, it's like nothing.

I don't feel anything when i'm running.

Her sister alleyah is her coach&and also competes.

Maurice wade: every black-- kid in america-- should have an opportunity to experience what we experience.

Back in compton&one of the cowboys main goals is to pass on the tradition that's been a gift to them.

Keiara monique: we all have a passion for horses, and we all want to help our community be able to give them the experience that we have gotten from horses.

Walter thompson- hernandez: what really brings them together is the idea that, if they don't-- teach the next generation, that they might be c-- compton's last black cowboys.

Just ahead, as the page turns.

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