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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 23, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 23, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - July 23, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) Forget the fantasy that coronavirus rates would go down in summer months.

Statistics are proving that COVID-19 rates are higher in states that use more air conditioning, which might be related to the way air is circulated.

And we experience a reunion decades in the making: a former prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp meets up via social media with the family of the American soldier who liberated her.

Vian, oh say it's not so.

When the pandemic began, some hoped - even speculated - that the coronavirus would weaken in the summer heat.

Instead, cases have skyrocketed in the hottest parts of the country, like here in mississippi.

Now, mounting evidence suggests that air conditioning may be partly to blame.

Cbs's adrianna diaz reports.

Nats sweltering temperatures may be contributing to the virus's spread.

Data shows that states with higher air conditioning use tend to also have higher covid rates, says harvard professor edward nardell.

The main problem is that bc of the extreme heat in the south, ppl are indoors now and unable to social distance as much and re-breathing the same air that was just exhaled by someone else.

And you believe that time indoors and poorly ventilated air is contributing, to covids spread i dont think there's any doubt he says about 80 percent of an a/c's air is re- circulated...not fresh from outside.

Here's how.

A study of a restaurant in china shows how on one night, covid particles from one person spread to nine others - some more than 6 feet away - due to the air flow from the a/c system.

That's why ventellation is top of mind for michelle fire who owns this chicago restaurant tweet.

How worried were you about covid spreading indoors?

// not how worried áwasá i, how worried áamá i.

// we need to have people have faith to come inside and sit inside.

If we're to stay in business/ to do that she spent 7-thousand dollars on three of these air purifiers - which claim to be effective against bacteria and viruses... anything to keep the air as clean as possible.

Adriana diaz cbs news chicago you may not have any air travel in your immediate future.

But the airports are ready when you are.

Here's a look at high tech ways to keep travelers safe.

Nats - airport bustle daily travel at s-e- a airport is still only 30 percent of a normal summer day but as travelers slowly return -- the airport is working to make everything here as ásafe as possible.

Perry: there's a lot of innovation out there one of the latest tools here -- is pathspot -- a device that scans employees' hands at restaurants, to make sure handwashing is happening successfully adam: 11:15:25 scan for contamination captiol hill food hall is one of 12 restaurants at sea-airport using it nats - hand washing it adds more protection -- for employees, áand customers adam: oh it's fantastic.

Its an extra layer of defense the ceo of the new york based comapny is in seattle to possibly further expand here she explained to us how it works the device shines a specific wavelength of light to look for microscopic contamination on your hands.

Christine schindler, pathspot technologies, ceo: 9:20:18 those tiny specs of contamination hide under your finernails, between your jewelry, in the webs of hands.

And the machine can can tell you áwhy you failed christine: gives really tangible feedback.

Hey 98% of the time someone failed a hand scan at your restaurant location it was on your right pinky finger, or it was during the lunch rush áá to be clear -- the scanner doesn't look for the covid virus.

It scans for common contamination that's everywhere -- christine: fecal contamination and vomitous gut biome bacteria, all of those disgusting things that are transmission vectors and if áthose particles are washed off your hands -- the machine tells you scan complete christie:i was all clear!

It means you've done a good job and any covid virus you mimght've touched - is likely washed off too.

Adam : it's an absolutely phenomenal tool this operations manager -- says they're so focused on cleanliness, his employees pass every time -- but what he likes about the pathspot, is its data tracking aspect.

It tells you how often employees are washing and when adam fischer, ssp america: if we only have two scans, i'm going to say - we're not washing our handsá so this becomes a coaching, traing tool the airport says -- this machine might become standard here perry cooper this is a pilot program right now - trying to decide whether to use it throughout the rest of the terminal as well at this point it's going really well, we're really happy with it deedee tag: the airport is looking to bring in other tech too -- for example - a new app that will let you order food from any restaurant and pick it up -- so you dont have to cluster with anyone.

That will be launching soon.

At s-e-a, ds k7n.

She was a teenager when a young american soldier rescued her.

A family reunion after all the years next on mid morning.

It's a reunion decades in the making.

A holocaust survivor in london has been able to meet the family of an american soldier who helped save her from a nazi death camp.

The search for his identity began with a note from the past and some help from social media.

Ian lee reports.

"nice to meet you nice to meet you.

It is so nice to meet you" after 75 years, holocaust survivor lily ebert finally meets the family of a soldier who helped liberate her.

The search began with this piece of germany currency, written on it a message of hope from an american g.i.

"good luck an happiness, and a start to a new life."

Lily was 16 in 1945 when she and her sisters were liberated by american forces.

They survived auschwitz where the nazis murdered nearly a million jews and thousands of others were murdered.

"i lost my mother brother, sister, that was a terrible thing."

Now 90 years old, lily who lives in london shared the note and story with her great grandson.

He then turned to social media to search for the soldier.

"suddenly, i get o twitter and i have a few thousand notifications and someone tweeted at me saying this must be the soldier."

The soldier turned out to be private hayman shulman of new york, who died nine years ago.

Lily finally got her chance to thank his family.

"all the time looked after it, because it was for me something special.

The outreach came as a surprise to shulman's family.

The private never told them about the encounter.

"i was shakin because suddenly he wasn't my father and all of the history we had together.

Instead he was a young man in the throes of war doing something extremely kind for somebody.

It was overwhelming.

A soldier's act of kindness& reverberating through history.

Ian lee cbs news london the families are now planning to meet in person once the coronavirus pandemic passes.

To find out more about this story, you may have to take a walk.

We'll tell you where next on mid morning.

Th the choctaw county library is being creative when it comes to its summer reading program in light of covid-19..

It's called "stor walks" the library has books on display along the pathways at all of the local walking trails... our quentin smith hits the trail to follow the 'story'..

You can say it's a storied walk.

Nat and for those on the trail their turning the pages with each step they take... nat see the walking trail has a story to tell...and it's all a part of the choctaw county library's summer reading program... "because of covid 19, we had to do social distancing and couldn't have a lot of people inside, so we came up with the idea of doing a story walk."

The way this unique concept works is... the beginning of the trail marks the beginning of the book.... each step you take... you encounter another page to read... and by the time you make it to the end of the trail... you've finished the book... you can then sign your name on this board...indicating you've completed the task at hand.

Many see this as a way to keep students engaged with reading reading material while the school doors are still closed... "it will entertai your mind and keep you focused on tour grades."

"it stresses th importance of reading, it stresses the importance of family time, that one on one time, that bonding time, even getting out an exercising, it stresses all of those things."

Weir mayor shuni coffey is a long time educator and knows the importance of having this kind of activity for the youth to indulge in.

She says many times students will go without reading during the summer months... that's why she believes this is one way to help students improve their reading skills for the start of the upcoming school year... "the kids ar reading, they're walking, you're walking, they're walking with you, and you can even turn it into a question and answer game.

As you go by, say, what do you notice about this?

What has stood out in the story to you?

What do you like about the story?

What are the main characters?

You can have that conversation as your walking, that's anther thing i like about it as well."

"it's a big deal.

Lot of teachers get concerned about something called the "summe slide," which i when kids have been out of school for a while they don't practice all of their skills that they've been learning and they stay glued to their televisions, and they need to be getting out, reading, and doing different things to get their brains active."

The choctaw county library has set "stork walks set up all throughout the county in french camp, ackerman, and weir.

The library plans to keep this going all summer long.

Reporting in choctaw county.

Quentin smith.

Wcbi news.

Each week, the library changes out the story that's featured on the walking trail..

A nine- year- old chess prodigy hopes the pandemic ádoesn'tá derail his dream of becoming the world's youngest grandmaster.

We first met chess champion tani adewumi last year.

He and his family were living in a new york city homeless shelter, after fleeing the terror group boko haram in their home country of nigeria.

A lot has changed since then.

Vladimir duthiers has their story of remarkable perseverance for now tani adewumi's dream of becoming the world 's youngest grandmaster has come to a stalemate tani: i only have three and a half years..

Vlad: why do you only have three and a half years?

Tani: because i'm nine.

The record is twelve years and seven months.

Vlad: so the longer we are on lockdown and the longer this pandemic lasts, the shorter your time to be the world's youngest grandmaster?

But you still think you can do it?

Tani: yes.

Last year the then 3rd grader won the new york state chess championship... learning to play while living in a manhattan homeless shelter.

Tani's story of perseverance received support from around the world.

The adewumi's say they are truly touched by the generosity.

K - within two weeks, they created a gofundme.


The people donated the rent a house for us for a year.

// it's purely miracle!

And they're committed to paying that kindness forward--the family started a foundation that helps immigrants struggling with homelessness.

A struggle átheyá know all too well a-// i really thank god i have a place to live because it's not easy.

When we see people putting umbrella to cover themselves, living under the bridge or somewhere.

I always give them a sign of cross.

Enduring faith the family hopes can inspire others --they're sharing their story in a new book titled "my name is tani..

And i believe in miracles."

Q- do you still believe in miracles?

T- yes // god is always on my side.

He always does miracles.

T - god did wonders in me and my family's life and there are more wonders ahead for tani comedian trevor noah is developing a film based on his life story.

Vlad: how exciting is that?

Tani: it's very exciting when you get a movie //but you don't just use it as okay fine..

I'm popular.


Then you get spoiled // you use it to, like, help yourself grow better.

It's that humility that keeps him grounded through difficulty and defeat q- when you lose, what is that feeling like?

T- you don't actually lose.

You learn.

// meaning // that you lost for a reason and you have to figure that out.

Vlad: do you think that people have something to learn from your story?

Tani: yes.

That never, never give up.

Always try your best.

// just keep p uying until the end.

A lesson in a game of chess... and in life... vlad: you already knew my moves..

Before i knew them?

Tani: nods vlad: man..

If life is really like chess..

I am in trouble and here i sthe book though he is doing some playing online during the shutdown, tani told us he can't wait to get back real-life tournaments playing his opponents face-to- face, and continuing his journey towards becoming a grand master.

Vladimir duthiers, cbs news, new york.

A sure hot spot for spiking cases of covid19 is in texas.

That's why young girl is using her time to send positive messages to her neighborhood.

Abril preciado shares her story sot: rosa balandran, las brisas resident "i have not gotte mine yet.

But i'm waiting for it anxiously like everybody else."

Vo: it's a special note that has become the talk of this weslaco subdivision sot: rosa we would see health care providers that live in our neighborhood that would receive it.

They said what a day they were having, they got their note in the mail they were just so happy to receive it and it made their day."

Vo: hand written notes with uplifting messages like "the sun wil come out tomorrow" all the inspiration of 10 year old melanie chavez sot it's the thought that matters vo with a marker and paper in hand melanie has dedicated the last few weeks to spreading love in her community.

Sot: people are so alone right now and i feel like they don't have a voice but i just want to make them happy so i made these cards.

Sot: jennifer chavez, melanie's mom she ran with the wind and she didn't stop and she delivered the first 100 and then realized wow there's a lot more houses than what i thought."

Vo: so far 300 hundred notes have been sent and she's not stopping just yet... sot: jennifer , mom she should be finished with our subdivision this week and then she'll start making the ones for family friends and for other people who are asking for letters from other place."

Sot:melanie it's something small but, small things go a long way in weslaco, working for you i'm abril preciado word of mouth is good for any business.

But what about word of guy?

The host of one cable's most popular food shows ahead on mid

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